As it is Fathers day to today I got o to have a little play in the garden today. Thought I would make a brew on my honey stove. Whilst getting the honey stove I out I found my GSI Outdoors 1 cup aluminium espresso machine which I don’t think I have ever used and thought why not make an espresso.
Got the fire going in the honey stove OK apart from my 3 year old wanting to help by holding the bits of wood I was splitting with my hatchet. A quick bar of chocolate soon distracted her so I could continue splitting the wood.
Then I boiled some water for the kids warm juice. After they had their drinks I could then got on with the main task. An Espresso!
It was very quick, I planned to film it but only managed to get the end of it as I wasn’t ready for how quick it boiled. And for those who have nothing better to do here is the clip of the final brewing!