POTA GB-2276 Townclose Hills Nature Reserve 2024/10/06
POTA GB-2276 Townclose Hills Nature Reserve 2024/10/06

POTA GB-2276 Townclose Hills Nature Reserve 2024/10/06

Started today going to Tadcaster to try and activate a new park there, but after parking up and walking down the footpath and having a nice chat with a farmer, I found there was no public access to the area. Nuts!

Quick message on FB to the England POTA admins about the park and they said it would be removed. Oh well, pota-on.

Had a look at https://pota.app to see what else was nearby I found Townclose Hills Nature Reserve in Kippax.

Parked at the leisure centre and walked up the hill and in to the wood where I found a little old quarry.

Was about a 5 min walk up to the top of the hill where I found a nice open space to set the mast and antenna up.

Decided to start on 2m FM using the duct tape jpole and got a few contacts

Then moved to the M1ECC Slidewinder antenna and got some great contacts on 20m

Working Conditions

  • Radio – Icom IC-705
  • Antennas
    • M1CEE Slidewinder
    • 2m Duct tape slimjim

Operation Totals

  • 19 QSOs
  • 11 DXCC entities
  • 3 Park to Parks
  • 3 Bands and 2 modes
    • 40m – 1 SSB – 1 P2P
    • 20m – 14 SSB – 2 P2P
    • 2m – 4 FM