POTA GB-0021 Skipwith Common 2024/10/13
POTA GB-0021 Skipwith Common 2024/10/13

POTA GB-0021 Skipwith Common 2024/10/13

Early start for todays activation at Skipwith, parked in the usual spot so I could work from the boot.

Set up the sotabeams Band Hopper 3 on 40 meters and was on the air just after 06:00 UTC.

Was a slow start but it picked up over the course of the morning.

  • 85 in the log in total with 2 duplicates.
  • 84 on 40m SSB and one on 2m FM
  • 16 DXCC entities
  • 7 Park to Park
  • 2 Bunker to Bunker

M7GAX came over and worked on 20 meter and have a catch up in person.