Leandro G5LSI mentioned that he was heading to a new park near me, so I said I would come and join him for the activation.
Due to the traffic from York and Bishops wood being about 5mins drive from me I got there first and got set up.
By the time G5LSI arrived I had activated the park, sorry Leandro.
We kept on working and swapping bands.
Working Conditions
- Radio:Icom IC-705 and AH-705 tuner
- Antenna: Soatbeams Bandspringer midi 10-60m
- Mast: Sotabeams Tactical Mini 6m
Operation Totals
- 29 QSOs
- 16 DXCC entities
- 8 Bands and 4 modes
- 80m – 1 SSB
- 60m – 3 FT8
- 40m – 1 SSB
- 30m – 2 FT8
- 20m – 2 FT8 13 SSB – Total 15
- 17m – 1 FT8
- 15m – 1 FT8 3 MFSK – Total 4
- 2m – 1 FM 1 SSB – Total 2