Jamboree on the Air 2024
Jamboree on the Air 2024

Jamboree on the Air 2024

Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) has been running the 3rd full weekend of October since 1957.

This year my District and County seemed to have no interest in running anything so I went over to North Yorkshire Scout and Malton to help my good friend M7FPX with his JOTA and maybe get a POTA in too.

York radio club were helping him run it and G5LSI was there and he had setup a digital station running FT8.

Apart from the FT8 they had a HF SSB station set up with a multi band vertical, CW practise area and codes base.

I nipped out to the local POTA park to be a station for the Scouts to contact if they could not get out else where but it turns out the Club did not bring a VHF radio and antenna.

More on the activation here

When I got back to the Scout Hut they had a few scouts there. Though they had had no joy on HF SSB which is a real shame, G5LSI had better luck on FT8.

M7GAX came over and brought his 2m handheld, so along with mine the scouts got to try some 2m work which great.